Loring & Blake "Palace Organ"
Even a "total loss" is worth paying attention to.
A friend alerted me to the presence of this reed organ atop a burn pile some miles from my home. I rushed over in a thunderstorm downpour and collected enough information from the instrument to register it on the Reed Organ Society database. Because of that registration, we have one more piece of the Loring and Blake story, even if the instrument is no longer extant.
My friend salvaged the reeds, the fan tremolo, and stop board, which provided the places of manufacture, the pitch, and a plausible stoplist (even though the stop faces were all missing!).
Loring & Blake, Worcester Massachusetts and Toledo, Ohio -- 1885
Opus 41590
ROS # pending
The manufacturer's label pasted to the action of the Loring and Blake.
The tuner's label, giving the date of tuning (a good approximation of the date of manufacture). [Dan Huisjen photo]
E.P. Carpenter
Carpenter Organ Company, Brattleboro, Vermont -- after 1885
Opus 80397
ROS # 4513